Mrs. Henry’s Schedule
7:30-7:55 TUTORIALS
7:55-8:40 (1st) Algebra 2
8:44-9:29 (2nd) Algebra 2
9:33-10:18 (3rd) Dual Credit Algebra/Statistics
10:22-11:07 (4th) UIL
11:11-11:56 (5th) Algebra 2
11:56-12:33 LUNCH
12:33-1:18 (6th) Algebra 2
1:22-2:07 (7th) Algebra 2
2:11-2:56 ENRICHMENT
3:00-3:45 (8th) Conference/Planning
Grading Procedures
1. A minimum of 3 major grades and 10 daily grades will be given per grading period.
2. Grades will be posted in Skyward as soon as possible. Please allow 3 to 5 days for the teacher to post daily grades and at least 5 days to post major grades. If a student has been absent and there is make-up work, it may be longer. Skyward defaults to “missing” if a grade has not been entered. That does not necessarily mean the student has not turned in the work yet.
3. Because math is a course that builds from day to day, the math department has a procedure regarding late work, 70-50-0. If an assignment is turned in one day late, the student can receive up to a 70. If an assignment is turned in two days late, the student can receive up to a 50. Then on the third day, the assignment will receive a zero, unless there are extenuating circumstances, and the student has contacted the teacher and discussed the situation and together they have made a plan. If a student is habitual about turning in late work, they will be given a discipline referral to the office. If the student is in an honors course, they may be taken out of honors and moved to a regular course.